

Who is Camellia Girl?

I'm a 40-something (did I really just type that?!) wife and mother, born, raised, and living in the middle of America's heartland.  I live with my sweet and adoring fire-fighter husband (grandson of Iowa farmers with rich black soil coursing through his veins!), and three precious blessings (Mary Catherine-6, Ben-4, and Luke 10-months) aka "the petite ones".
Mary Catherine, Age 6 (Myrtle Beach Summer 2010)
Benjamin, Age 4 (Myrtle Beach, Summer 2010)
Luke, 10-months (Poolside, Summer 2011)

We live on the outskirts of Kansas City in a one-stoplight town among the sunflowers and wheat fields of Kansas.  We built our Greek Revival style farmhouse in 2002; and although it appears to have sat on the property for 90 years, is only 9-years old.  My favorite part of our home is the three-sided wrap-around porch. I love listening to the screen door bang and the pitter patter of tiny feet!

Spring 2009...We've since repainted and changed the front door color to Americana Red.

My decorating style is a bit schizophrenic...I love French Country, American Farmhouse, Cottage Chic, and of course, Coastal Living styles of design.  I have a weakness for all things carbohydrate...breads, pastas, and especially sweets.  A horrible seamstress and crafter...I continue to try different projects so that my daughter might get to indulge her creative-side.  I have no idea where her crafty-gene comes from!

Why Alabama?

As lovers of the Gulf Coast (specifically Alabama and the panhandle of Florida) we have agreed upon Alabama as our future choice of state residence.  North and South Carolina are also in the running, but my husband "knows people" in Huntsville and this is where potential job opportunities are available.

Let me be clear...this is all my idea...I just have a fantastic husband that indulges my whims! So, Alabama it is.

A Mother's Journal
Thus, I created this blog, Chasing Camellias (Alabama's state flower) as a mother's journal to chronicle the sweet life we are currently living.  I invite you to follow us on this journey of adventure as we follow our dream to be true to ourselves and create a different life for our three petite ones. 

